Strength Exercise Library

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  • Chin up and pull up variations

    Chin up and pull up variations

    Grip the handles, maintain a slight arch in your spine (stick your chest out a bit), and pull yourself up until your elbows reach or pass the side of your torso, then lower yourself down with control.

    Chin up: grip handles with your palms facing towards you (supinated).

    Neutral grip: grip handles with your palms facing each other.

    Pull up: grip handles with your palms facing away from you (pronated).

  • Cable single arm pulldown

    Cable single arm pulldown

    Adjust the lever of the cable stack to the top, and attach a single D-handle to it. Grip the handle with one hand and lower into a half-kneeling position, opposite knee raised. Hold the cable stack for support if needed. Lean forward slightly, maintaining a straight back, and pull the handle down until your elbow reaches or passes the side of your torso, then raise your arm back up with control. When initiating the pull, pull your shoulder down to start, then pull.

  • Cable lat pull downs

    Cable lat pull downs

    Grip the bar, maintain a slight arch in your spine (stick your chest out a bit), and pull the bar down in front of you until it comes close to or reaches the top of your chest, then raise the bar with control. When initiating the pull, pull your shoulders down to start, then pull. Keep your legs pressed up against the pad.

    Wide grip: grip the bar with hands slightly wider than shoulder width apart, palms facing away from you.

    Shoulder-width: grip the bar with hands at shoulder width, with palms facing away from you or towards each other.

  • Bicep curls

    Bicep curls

    Start with dumbbells by your side or resting against your thighs. Keep elbows touching the side of your torso, lift the dumbbells upwards until your forearms touch your biceps (close the elbow gap). Try not to swing either your upper arms or your body.

  • Seated dumbbell shoulder press

    Seated dumbbell shoulder press

    Start with dumbbells at shoulder level, keep your elbows in and your back straight and pressed against the seat (a small arch is ok). Push the dumbbells straight upwards until your arms are straight, then lower with control.

  • Push up variations

    Push up variations

    In a plank position, place hands a little wider than shoulder width apart on the floor, feet slightly apart, maintaining a straight back. Bend the elbows, lower yourself down until your chest touches the floor, maintain tension, and push back up. Your back should be straight the entire time (do not collapse your bum).

    Incline push up: place hands on a bench.

    Elevated push up: place hands on plates or push up handles if you can perform this with more range of motion.

    Weighted push up: place a plate on your back.

  • Crunch variations

    Crunch variations

    Flat crunch: lie down facing upwards, knees bent, feet placed on the floor shoulder width apart, arms close to your torso (hands crossed on top of chest or close to your ears). Tense your abs and lift your shoulders off the floor and towards your stomach, rounding your upper body, then lower back down. A small range of motion is fine; do not use your arms to swing yourself up.

    Decline crunch: with legs locked, perform a crunch on a declined bench, with hands placed as per a flat crunch, or holding a weight.

    Reverse crunch: lie down on a bench facing upwards, knees lifted at 90 degrees, holding the bench with your hands and pulling for support. Keep your upper back against the bench and lift your legs towards your torso, starting with a lift at the hips, and then lower back down, maintaining a tight 90 degree angle in your legs. Do not swing your legs by bending at the hip (maintain a 90 degree gap between your upper thighs and front torso, don't let your knees collapse towards your chest).

  • Bent over single-arm row

    Bent over single-arm row

    Place one hand and knee (same side) on a bench, so that your knee is roughly under your hip, and your hand is under or slightly in front of your shoulder. Place your other foot out to the side for support, leg straight. Pick up the dumbbell, keeping your back straight, and pull it towards your hip (up and slightly back) until your elbow reaches or passes the side of your torso, then lower with control. Keep the weight close to you.

  • Flat dumbbell press

    Flat dumbbell press

    Lie on a bench, facing up, with your feet on the ground on either side. With a slightly arched back, squeezing and maintaining tension in your upper bark, start with dumbbells raised above you, then bend your elbows to lower the dumbbells on either side, until they are close to chest height, then push back up, keeping your back squeezed.